Bremen, den 7. Mai 2019 – control.IT Unternehmensberatung GmbH (control.IT), the market leader for asset and portfolio management software in the German-speaking region with its software, is expanding its shareholder base by way of a capital increase. The new shareholders, KGAL GmbH & Co. KG (KGAL) and PATRIZIA Immobilien AG (PATRIZIA), will each hold an equity interest of ten per cent in control.IT. Hamburg based HIH Real Estate, which has held ten per cent of the shares in control.IT since 2006, is also subscribing for new shares in order to maintain the level of its equity interest going forward. The capital increase has a high seven-digit volume. The remaining 70 per cent of the shares will continue to be held equally by the three managing directors, Jan Körner, Rieks Westers and Klaus Weinert. The expansion of the shareholder base is subject to approval by the antitrust authority.
Jan Körner, CEO of control.IT: “With this capital increase, we are laying the foundations for our company’s continued growth. The fresh capital will be used for product development and addressing new markets.” Klaus Weinert, founder and member of management responsible for product development, explains the background to the transaction: “control.IT is by far the biggest company in the area of asset and portfolio management systems for real assets. Our customers are keen for us and our software to grow along with them. The fresh capital will also allow us to press ahead with the internationalisation of our business and continue to expand our software solution in areas such as quantitative analysis, as well as investments in the asset classes of residential real estate and infrastructure.”
The three new shareholders of control.IT are agreed on the strategic purpose of their investment: They want to work in partnership with control.IT to continue to standardise the real estate industry in general and asset and portfolio management systems in particular.
Dr. Manuel Käsbauer, Head of Innovation & Technology bei PATRIZIA, sagt: „Durch das gemeinschaftliche Investment wollen wir federführend die Standardisierung in der Immobilienwirtschaft vorantreiben. Dies unterstützt u. a. auch künftig die Qualität und Effizienz unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen zum Vorteil unserer Kunden. Darüber hinaus legen wir großen Wert darauf, dass unsere Servicepartner mit uns wachsen können und unterstützen dies durch unser Know-how als globaler Partner für paneuropäische Immobilieninvestments.“
Erik Marienfeldt, Managing Director of HIH Real Estate GmbH, adds: “Central data warehousing and real estate planning and reporting processes are key pillars of any fully digitalised real estate management strategy. No app can work without this operating system. It is the only way to ensure centralised data provision to all individual applications. This is the main reason for our participation in control.IT – as an investment in our operating system.”
Dr Thomas Schröer, CFO of KGAL GmbH & Co. KG, explains: “KGAL has always played a leading role in developing the product and shaping the corresponding standards. We intend to continue to drive the process of standardisation in real asset and portfolio management in future in order to realise overarching economies of scale.”